First, read the document ‘First Inversion Recording Brochure’ which contains important information and project examples. If we accept this proposal, an estimate of costs will be provided on receipt of this form duly completed.
This will be subject to amendment depending on exact project specifications. This form will provide most of the information we need in order to assess whether your proposed recording is suitable for our catalogue, and to provide you with a detailed offer. You can complete this onscreen,or print it, complete by hand and scan/mail it back to us.
Please complete as fully and accurately as possible. If information is unknown, state “N/K”.
Section 1 should be completed in the name of the person or organization who will enter into the contract and own the rights in the recording.
All UK & EU artist costs are subject to VAT if applicable.
If an outside agency is to be engaged to design and prepare artwork, this must be supplied to our factory specifications and subject to insertion of required text and images (barcode, company information and items required by law). A modest price allowance may be agreed in Agency projects, but is not guaranteed,as we still have to spend a great deal of time liaising with the designer and often the time spent is greater in these cases than when the design is undertaken in-house.
If you are registered as self employed musicians for tax purposes (certainly in the UK and maybe in other countries), then all of the costs associated with the production can be classed as a tax-deductable marketing expense as part of your “promotion of yourself as an artist”. You should seek clarification from a suitably qualified accountant or tax advisor.